he Off-Campus series by Elle Kennedy is a college romance series that has captured the hearts of readers everywhere. Filled with humor, heartache, and steamy romance, this series takes readers on an emotional journey with the lovable characters as they navigate the ups and downs of college life and love.

5 book spines facing up for the college romance novels in the off campus series by Elle Kennedy. The books are The Deal, The Mistake, The Score, The Goal, and The Legacy

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at each book in the Off-Campus series, discuss the characters and storylines, and explore what makes this series so popular. (And if you're curious, you can check out my ratings for each book on Goodreads).

Book 1: "The Deal" (4 stars)

Front cover of the college romance novel The Deal by Elle Kennedy in front of a bookcase

"The Deal" is the first book in the Off-Campus series and introduces us to the main characters, Hannah and Garrett. This book follows their journey as they strike an unlikely deal to help each other out in college. Hannah, a talented singer with a painful past, needs help improving her social status, while Garrett, a star hockey player, needs to pass a class to keep his spot on the team. As they spend more time together, their feelings begin to grow, and they soon realize there's more at stake than just their initial deal.

Hannah and Garrett instantly stole my heart. Their chemistry and connection were off the charts, and I found myself rooting for them from the very beginning. Hannah and Garrett's story truly set the tone for the entire series, drawing me in and making me eager to read the rest of the books.

"I never expected her. Sometimes people sneak up on you and suddenly you don’t know how you ever lived without them."

Buy now on Amazon: The Deal by Elle Kennedy

Book 2: "The Mistake" (4 stars)

Front cover of the college romance novel The Mistake by Elle Kennedy

In "The Mistake," the second book in the series, we follow the story of Logan, Garrett's best friend and fellow hockey player, as he falls for Grace, a shy and sweet freshman. After a disastrous misunderstanding, Logan is determined to win Grace's heart, but she's not willing to let him off the hook that easily.

While I didn't love their story quite as much as Hannah and Garrett's, it was still a highly enjoyable read. This book is filled with humor, emotional growth, and steamy romance, showing that sometimes our biggest mistakes can lead us to the most rewarding experiences. The charm and humor that Elle Kennedy is known for shines through in this book, keeping me entertained and engaged throughout.

"I need you. I can’t stand the thought of being without you.” He releases a shaky breath. “You’re the last person I think about before I go to sleep, and the first person I think about when I open my eyes in the morning. You’re it for me, baby."

Buy now on Amazon: The Mistake by Elle Kennedy

Book 3: "The Score" (5 stars)

Front cover of the college romance novel The Score by Elle Kennedy

"The Score," the third installment in the Off-Campus series, tells the story of Dean, another hockey player, and Allie, Hannah's best friend. After an unexpected hookup, these two polar opposites struggle to keep their feelings in check. As they navigate their newfound relationship, Dean and Allie must confront their personal demons and the judgments of those around them.

The Score is, without a doubt, my favorite book in the series. Dean and Allie's story captured my heart from the very first page, and I couldn't get enough of their romance. Their chemistry is electric, and I found their relationship to be incredibly well-developed and satisfying. I simply adore Dean and Allie together, and their story will always hold a special place in my heart. This book packs an emotional punch, leaving readers both laughing and crying.

"Relationships are a fucking pain in the ass sometimes."

Buy now on Amazon: The Score by Elle Kennedy

Book 4: "The Goal" (1 star)

Front cover of the college romance novel The Goal by Elle Kennedy

The fourth book in the series, "The Goal," follows Tucker, yet another hockey player, and Sabrina, a law student with big dreams. When Sabrina unexpectedly becomes pregnant, Tucker steps up to support her, even though she's reluctant to accept his help.

Unfortunately, The Goal didn't quite live up to my expectations. While I understand that every reader has their personal preferences, the focus on pregnancy and babies in this book just wasn't for me. It's important to note that this is a personal preference, and many readers might still enjoy Tucker and Sabrina's story. However, for me, it just didn't hit the mark.

"My goal, once upon a time, was to succeed. I didn’t realize that success wasn’t grades or scholarships or achievements, but the people I was lucky enough to have in my life."

Buy now on Amazon: The Goal by Elle Kennedy

Book 5: "The Legacy" (3 stars)

Front cover of the college romance novel The Legacy by Elle Kennedy

"The Legacy" is the fifth and final book in the Off-Campus series and is a bit of a mixed bag for me. It serves as a collection of novellas that catch up with the couples from the previous books, giving readers a glimpse into their lives after college. While it was enjoyable to see where the characters ended up, some readers, including myself, felt that this book didn't offer as much depth or development as the earlier installments.

"It's times like this I remember why I fell so hopelessly hard for this girl."

Buy now on Amazon: The Legacy by Elle Kennedy

The Off-Campus series by Elle Kennedy is a captivating college romance series that has resonated with many readers. From the steamy romance to the emotional character development, each book offers a unique and engaging story. While not every book in the series was a hit for me, there's no denying the charm and appeal of the characters and their stories. If you're a fan of college romance, humor, and a touch of heartache, the Off-Campus series might be the perfect fit for you.

And remember, if you'd like to see my individual ratings for each book, you can find them on Goodreads.

Happy reading!

*Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases on affiliate links.

Apr 2, 2023

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